Identifying, locating and analyze faults in PV modules


Central district - Israel


Green Energy

Type of consultancy

EL Inspection

The task:

Green Energy LTD is a leading local asset manager. The company monitor and manage hundreds of PV assets and is dedicated to creating long-term value for its clients.
SOLIFIED’s team was tasked with identifying, locating and analyze faults in PV modules in low performing sites as a preparation for maintenance round and in order to improve system performance.
Our approach:
SOLIFIED was provided with a list of PV assets demonstrating low energy performance and with no obvious fault indication arising from the monitoring portal.
Once provided with a list of assets we set to organize flight plans, contact assets owners for schedule and verified site access and flight permissions.
In several day’s all field data was uploaded to SOLIFIED platform, processed, analyzed and delivered to client.

Our Approach:

SOLIFIED was provided with a list of PV assets demonstrating low energy performance and with no obvious fault indication arising from the monitoring portal.
Once provided with a list of assets we set to organize flight plans, contact assets owners for schedule and verified site access and flight permissions.
In several day’s all field data was uploaded to SOLIFIED platform, processed, analyzed and delivered to client.


Extensive number of sites demonstrated various types PV module faults, disconnected strings or severe shading caused by vegetation growth or other local interferences.

Beside commonly found faults as mentioned above, several sites were located with suspicious hot spots pattern reoccurring with great resemblance to one another.

In order to investigate further SOLIFIED technical team advised adding Electroluminescence imaging of 30 modules with suspected hot spots. Results of EL imaging proved faults originated at the manufacturing process and are viable for warranty claim.

Following the inspection our client proceeded with maintenance round, having all necessary information upfront though saving costs and logistics.

This has improved the profitability, marketability and resilience of each of these assets. With these simple actions our client was able rapidly finish maintenance obligations, improve system performance and generate value for their own clients and investors.

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