The task:
PV assets are normally traded and change ownership with time as most investments do. Validating asset condition is a must. Poor maintenance and progressive degradation mechanisms will wight heavily on future revenues.
The following study case demonstrate the importance of infra-red scanning of the asset prior of negotiation for purchasing or selling a PV asset. And also, as a routine maintenance practice ensuring optimal site condition and maximizing revenue.
Our Approach:
A large global investor, seeking to purchase high number of PV assets, has tasked SOLIFIED team with due-diligence inspection of the assets including but not only UAV-IR scanning and analysis for PV modules.
Results of the scan have left no doubt regarding the asset condition. Beside poor maintenance of the site, PV modules were degrading severely due to a well-known but stealthy phenomenon called P.I.D (Potential induced degradation). This degradation mechanism may result in a lost of up to 60% of generation power of the modules over time and if not treated in early stages may become irreversible.
By providing our client with multi-dimensional insights of the asset, gained over many years practicing PV inspections, SOLIFIED team was able to assist its client decision making and avoiding bad investment.